NIZEYIMANA Jean Baptiste

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Étude des conditions de depistage clinique et les effets psycho socioeconomique des personnes porteuses de l’elephantiasis des jambes. cas de l’arrondissement de guidiguis cas de la region de l’extreme-nord cameroun de 2017-2020

Abstract La filariose lymphatique, communément appelée éléphantiasis, est une maladie tropicale négligée. L’infection se produit lorsque les parasites filaires responsables de la maladie sont transmis à l’homme par des moustiques. Généralement contractée dans l’enfance, cette infection provoque une altération non apparente du système lymphatique. Les manifestations visibles, douloureuses et gravement dé-figurantes de la maladie, à…

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The role of communication in conflict resolution and peacebuilding

Abstract The media can play a positive role in peace building/conflict prevention. Recognition of this has led to increasing programmes on media/communications and peace building, with common interventions including training of journalists, and development of pro-peace programme content. However, there are significant challenges in designing and implementing such programmes, and even more in evaluation. While…

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The role of community radios on business promotion

Abstract Community radio is a medium of expressing and sharing views, thoughts, ideas, problems and prospects of rural, disadvantaged, vulnerable and hard to reach population with the mainstream population. As the media of root level people of the disadvantaged areas, Community radio has become popular in recent years and it has opened a new arena…

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The role of Instant Messaging (IM) in Business Promotion

Abstract Instant messaging (IM) may allow businesses with limited financial and technical resources to communicate and collaborate internally and externally. Little research has been done investigating IM in the small business context. This study seeks to address this research gap and to investigate how businesses respond to and actively exploit the opportunities brought by IM…

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Impact de l’Entreprenariat sur le développement socio-économique de la population .Cas du Niger 2017-2020.

Abstract L’entrepreneuriat soutient la croissance et le développement économiques via les innovations sur le marché, et il existe une relation bidirectionnelle entre l’entrepreneuriat, d’une part, et la croissance et le développement économiques, de l’autre. Les deux principaux obstacles à l’entrepreneuriat sont le coût de création d’une entreprise et le dépôt d’un capital minimum obligatoire. Les…


Bilan, Defi et Perspectives de formation et de l’insertion socio-professionnelle des jeunes etudiants Cas de l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Abstract Le rapport dresse un diagnostic partagé avec les partenaires sociaux et les organisations de jeunesse sur l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes. Trois points ressortent de ce diagnostic, sans que cela ne résume l’ensemble des constats. Tout d’abord, s’ils partagent des difficultés spécifiques, comme une plus grande exposition aux fluctuations économiques, les jeunes sont loin de…

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The Impact of E-commerce copywring services on Business

Abstract The said research paper involves a study of the impact of Electronic Commerce Copywriting services on Business. The research study has highlighted the Management Information Systems, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Computer Sciences of E-Commerce on Business. E-commerce is a way of conducting business over the Internet. Though it is a relatively new concept,…

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The Impact of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Organizations’ Marketing

Abstract Today’s world revolves around information that is the driving force behind any economic value chain. The thirst for information has led to the evolution of online “Search Engines” over last few years and are the most widely used instruments currently. Gradually marketers also started using this platform for marketing their products. This study focuses…

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The Impact of Digital Technologies on Globalization

Abstract This paper examines how globalization influences the adoption of digital technologies. The purpose of the paper is to explain how globalization affects new technology adoptions. We use country-level data from the globalization index (KOF), digital adoption index (DAI), global competitiveness index (GDI), and total factor productivity (TFP) on almost countries from 5 continents and using advanced…

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The Contribution of Social Media on Business Promotion an Evidence of Whatsapp

Abstract Over the years, social media advertising has taken over the landscape of advertising. The increasing rate of adoption and usage of WhatsApp and Instagram social media is apparent amongst users. However, knowledge of the relevance and level of usage of these platforms WhatsApp and Instagram in advertising goods and services is minimally rich. Thus,…