RUFSO JSSE Volume :25

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The role of community radios on business promotion

Abstract Community radio is a medium of expressing and sharing views, thoughts, ideas, problems and prospects of rural, disadvantaged, vulnerable and hard to reach population with the mainstream population. As the media of root level people of the disadvantaged areas, Community radio has become popular in recent years and it has opened a new arena…

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The role of Instant Messaging (IM) in Business Promotion

Abstract Instant messaging (IM) may allow businesses with limited financial and technical resources to communicate and collaborate internally and externally. Little research has been done investigating IM in the small business context. This study seeks to address this research gap and to investigate how businesses respond to and actively exploit the opportunities brought by IM…

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Impact de l’Entreprenariat sur le développement socio-économique de la population .Cas du Niger 2017-2020.

Abstract L’entrepreneuriat soutient la croissance et le développement économiques via les innovations sur le marché, et il existe une relation bidirectionnelle entre l’entrepreneuriat, d’une part, et la croissance et le développement économiques, de l’autre. Les deux principaux obstacles à l’entrepreneuriat sont le coût de création d’une entreprise et le dépôt d’un capital minimum obligatoire. Les…


Bilan, Defi et Perspectives de formation et de l’insertion socio-professionnelle des jeunes etudiants Cas de l’Afrique de l’Ouest

Abstract Le rapport dresse un diagnostic partagé avec les partenaires sociaux et les organisations de jeunesse sur l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes. Trois points ressortent de ce diagnostic, sans que cela ne résume l’ensemble des constats. Tout d’abord, s’ils partagent des difficultés spécifiques, comme une plus grande exposition aux fluctuations économiques, les jeunes sont loin de…

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Environment Problems Awareness for The Development of the Population of Goma Town

ABSTRACT Our research is entitled “Environment problems awareness for the development of the population of Goma town”. The qualitative method have been used with mainly the questionnaire and documentary techniques. The sample of 170 respondents were chosen at random, by ten from each quarter though ten questionnaires were not answered.  The age, sex, and marital…

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Implementing Legal Education in Local Economies

Managers should inform their employees about any changes in global and local laws which can affect their employment in an organisation. The need for continuous knowledge about human rights at a working environment makes the use of laws even more important in order to regulate the overall operations of an organisation. The aim of this…

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European Employment Laws on Health and Safety

The need for continuous improvement of the working environment makes the use of law even more important in order to control the implementations and operations of an organisation. Managers should have the knowledge and skills to inform their employees about chances in the global and local market and drive them to the right way in…