Author: Open Acces

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L’exploitation Miniere Et Les Droits Humains

Généralités L’évocation de l’industrie minière : mines, gaz et pétrole sur le « continent noir », revient à faire référence à une réalité considérablement complexe. Le modèle de développement économique mondial actuel qui peut apparaitre comme novateur, facilite l’accès aux ressources naturelles indispensables. La richesse remarquable du sous-sol africain fait de ce continent un espace convoité aussi bien…

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Des Problemes Judiciaires Courants L’infirmiere En Sante Communautaire/ Publique Fait Face

De nos jours la profession infirmière a pris son envol, passant du statut d’assistant du médecin à celui de praticien reconnu doté d’un rôle autonome.  Cette évolution se traduit aussi  par  un accroissement des nouvelles compétences avec l’émergence des pratiques avancées   qui aura une certaine incidence sur la responsabilité de l’infirmière. (Mel ,2018). D’un point…

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Stratégies pour le relèvement d’un secteur de la santé en crise. Cas de la crise contemporaine de la pandémie de Covid-19 au Rwanda

Pour que l’action sanitaire humanitaire soit cohérente et coordonnée, il est essentiel de convenir d’une stratégie d’intervention du secteur de la santé, notamment de définir des objectifs précis et des activités stratégiques (mondiale de la Santé, 2005). Les principaux acteurs du secteur de la santé doivent tous participer à la définition de ces éléments, qui…

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Exploitation Minière En Afrique

Introduction L’Afrique connaît un boom du secteur extractif depuis les alentours de l’an 2000. La croissance soutenue des exportations des ressources naturelles abondantes de la région, qui vont des hydrocarbures à des minéraux tels que l’or, le cuivre et le minerai de fer, le manganèse, le bois, le pétrole et le diamant a contribué de…

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Le Role de la Communication sur la Promotion des Services de Sante au Burkina-Faso

Abstract Dans nos sociétés modernes, la santé et le bien-être des individus occupent une place de plus en plus grande, ce qui a conduit les chercheurs en marketing à s’intéresser aux problématiques liées à la promotion de la santé (Block et Keller, 1995; Cox et Cox, 2001; Keller et alii, 2003; Zhao et Pechman, 2007)….

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A Waste Heat Recovery Steam Power Generation System. A Case Study of Jabana II Power Plant Station in Rwanda

Abstract The increasingly worldwide problem regarding rapid economy development and a relative shortage of energy, the internal combustion engine exhaust waste heat and environmental pollution has been more emphasized heavily recently. Out of the total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, approximately, 30 to 40% is converted into useful mechanical work;…


La Contribution des Téléphones Mobiles a la Promotion de la Sante Communautaire

Abstract De nombreuses craintes sont aujourd’hui formulées quant à la nocivité des champs de radiofréquences émis par les téléphones portables sur la santé. Etant donné que la tête et la peau sont les organes les plus exposés, la circulation sanguine cérébrale, la microcirculation cutanée au niveau du visage et l’activité électrique du cerveau sont spécifiquement…

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Feasibility study of utilization of harvested rainwater at Integrated Polytechnic Regional College of Karongi, Rwanda

In Rwanda, after 1994 Genocide tremendous efforts have been made in order to improve the water and sanitation sector. In these days, Rwanda government has made efforts in improving available quantity of water in use. Rainwater harvesting is one among of the solution of water scarcity in the country. The objectives of this work is to estimate the water demand, the quantity of rainwater that can be harvested from Integrated Polytechnic Regional College of Karongi (IPRC Karongi) buildings, the design of storage tanks and the implementation possibilities of this project. The required water demand is estimated to 45 liters per capita per day. The data have been analyzed and the calculated quantity of rainwater is 12,296.15m3 per year and the storage capacity is1, 496.24m3. At the end of the work, the result shows that rainwater harvesting technique can save 22% of the bills paid for water every year. We note that the report deals with untreated water for non-consumptive activities. It is recommended to do further research concerning the treatment of rainwater for drinking purposes, so that the students may access the treated rainwater. I suggest implementing this project as soon as possible because of its many advantages.

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Design of apartment to improve dwelling area in Rwanda

As the title shows, the purpose of this project is to improve dwelling area in apartment scale. Today high mass of residential zones and high price of land leads the employers and users to residential architecture. Apartment life creates an undeniable situation for human beings of which we can point out chances and threats for residents. Unfortunately compact structure of big cities and lack of land along with financial issues and growing needs of users to dwellings and also inconformity of dwelling structure with today’s life, and also high physical and social price leads to denial of the identity of dwelling. Also scales of apartment units is decreasing by sharp increase of condense and high price of land in center of big cities. This fact reveals the importance of exact structure for apartment in small scale. The purpose of this research is to reach at principles of designing optimized dwelling in large scale by taking into account factors such as society, family and individuals. This article by studying revenues needed in each section, along with using questionnaire and by conforming residents in small scale, gets closer to the proposed principle of optimizing apartment in small scale.3 main principles for optimizing apartment in small scale are: contracting, applicability, flexible furniture and glassines.

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Design of rain water harvesting system in Rwanda

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) system is a technology that focuses on sustainability and support the sustainable environment development. The implementation of RWH systems provides many environment and financial benefits. Some of the environment benefits of RWH system are the reduction of surface runoff, reduce the burden of soil aquifer, and provide the availability of clean water. This study analyzed the RWH system implementation benefits both in environment and financial side. The financial benefits of RWH system implementation are calculated based on a number of rainwater that can be used to replace the need for clean water.The environment benefits defined by the reduced of main water tap use and the reduced of generated roof runoff volume. This study used a simple RWH system that use the roof as a catchment area, the pipeline as a distribution system, and tank as the storage system. The water use is for domestic potable and no potable for a household with up to four occupants in Bandung. The catchment area is taken 70 m2. A water balance model for various scenarios was developed to calculate the algorithm of the system. The costs taken in RWH system includes the construction, installation, maintenance and operational costs. The analysis shows that the implementation of RWH systems provides advantages over the use of conventional systems. It can save clean water use up to 54,92% and provide runoff reduction up to 71,53%. RWH system applied requires additional costs approximately only 0,66% from the value of the house. It was found that it is possible to achieve payback in RWH system implementation under several scenarios.