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Discuss About The Distinction Between Mental Illness And Mental Wellbeing

Mental, pertaining to the mind: It consists also of mental hygiene which is the science that deals with the development of healthy mental and emotional reaction. While health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO), this does not only relate to our minds and bodies but also in to our quality of life, including families, friends and our communities. It refers not only to our interior mental wellbeing but also to the quality of how we live our lives. There are many concepts about Mental wellbeing and Mental Illness, amongst are; The medical concept which was developed by psychiatrists. They perceive the ill person as the problem and believe that illness stems from a chemical imbalance with the brain.

Therefore the focus for treatment has been a chemical intervention in the firm of medication or psychosurgery. This concept is often criticized for ignoring social or familial clinks. The psychoanalytical concepts, Freud’s Psychodynamic structure of personality suggested that behaviours is influenced by id, ego and super ego with our personality developing in stages during child hood. If there are conflicts associated with a particular phase of personality development (oral, anal; phallic and genital) then fixations can develop that shows themselves into personality leading to mental illness.

Mental health is important at all stages of life from childhood, adolescent through adulthood. However with life challenges experiences, one may experience mental health problem mostly in the Arena of diseases like Covid-19, and other traumatic diseases with stress leading to behavioural challenges.  A study confirms that, the quarantine aspect of Covid-19 alone can be resulting in arrange of mental health concerns from anxiety and anger to sleep disturbances, depression and post- traumatic stress disorders. (Karen, G; 2020).

Mental health includes our emotions, Psychological and social wellbeing. It affects how we   think, feel and react while mental illness are the disorders of mood   or   psychiatric   problems.

Papier pour la conférence académique internationale tenue par MESSAME MWENE Betty Best ce 20/02/2021

Author: MESSAME MWENE Betty Best

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